Engaging, Hands-On, team-building


Building Trust: The Foundation of Team Collaboration

Trust is essential in the workplace because it forms the basis for effective teamwork, communication, employee engagement, innovation, and overall organizational success. It creates a positive work environment that attracts and retains talent, enhances collaboration, and contributes to a more productive and harmonious workplace.

Trust, being a cornerstone of healthy and productive relationships, can positively impact both individuals and the organizations they are a part of. In this workshop, we will explore three key building blocks that contribute to building trust in relationships, whether personal or professional.


  • Participants will gain a deeper understanding of trust and its connection to vulnerability, interest, and reliability.
  • They will be able to recognize the role of trust in building strong relationships, fostering teamwork, and enhancing overall well-being.
  • They will learn practical tools and techniques to incorporate vulnerability, interest, and reliability into their daily interactions.
  • Attendees will leave the workshop with a renewed commitment to cultivate trust in their personal and professional lives.

The Art of Integrating Coaching Skills into Your Leadership

Integrating coaching skills into your leadership can have several positive outcomes for both you as a leader and your team members. leaders can create a more supportive and effective work environment for their team members, leading to improved performance and success for the entire organization.


  • Enhanced Leadership Skills: Participants will develop a deeper understanding of coaching principles and techniques. They will learn how to apply coaching strategies to lead and empower their team effectively.
  • Strengthened Relationships: Coaching helps leaders build stronger relationships with their team members. Through regular coaching conversations, leaders can better understand their employees’ strengths, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Increased Performance and Productivity: By providing personalized coaching and feedback, leaders can help team members improve their skills and performance, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

Building Strong & Connected Hybrid Teams

In this workshop, we’ll explore the art of effectively leading teams that blend in-person and remote members. We’ll address the benefits and challenges of hybrid teams, emphasizing communication, trust-building, and collaboration. By the end of this workshop, you’ll be equipped with the strategies needed to thrive in the dynamic world of hybrid team leadership.


  • Establish clear expectations and goals for hybrid team members.
  • Foster a culture of inclusivity to bridge gaps between in-person and remote staff.
  • Adapt leadership styles to cater to individual team member needs.
  • Address work-life balance concerns and promote flexible work arrangements.

Time and Energy Optimization: Building Habits for Success

It isn’t simply managing time but managing time along with energy. This workshop is designed to help participants improve their productivity and overall well-being by effectively managing their time, energy, and schedules. Participants will leave with an action plan to implement what they’ve learned in their daily lives and enhance their time and energy management skills. Interactive activities, group discussions, and real-life examples will be used to reinforce these outcomes.


  • Prioritization Techniques: Participants will explore various methods of prioritizing tasks, such as the Eisenhower Matrix, to accomplish the most important.
  • Time Blocking: Participants will understand the concept of time blocking and implement it to create dedicated time slots for specific tasks or activities.
  • Identifying Energy Levels: Participants will learn to recognize their energy levels throughout the day and align tasks accordingly.

Strengthening Resilience and Managing Stress

Strengthening resilience and managing stress are important skills that can greatly benefit individuals in both their personal and professional lives. This workshop’s focus is to empower individuals with the skills they need to handle stress effectively, maintain emotional well-being, and navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience.


  • Awareness of Stress Triggers: Participants will learn to identify their personal stressors and understand how they manifest in their lives.
  • Stress Management Techniques: The workshop will introduce various stress reduction techniques, giving participants the opportunity to use these techniques in a safe environment.
  • Building Resilience: The workshop will focus on resilience techniques that work for them enabling individuals to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook.

Know Yourself, Excel Together: Elevating Team Dynamics with Self-Awareness

This workshop is centered around fostering a positive and collaborative work culture, where team members understand themselves and others better, communicate effectively, and work harmoniously towards shared goals. Participants develop self-awareness and interpersonal skills that contribute to more effective collaboration within teams or groups.


  • Improved Self-Awareness: Participants will gain a deeper understanding of their own strengths, weaknesses, values, and communication styles that influence their interactions with others.
  • Strengthened Team Dynamics: Participants will understand the importance of recognizing and appreciating diversity within the team and leveraging individual strengths to achieve collective goals.
  • Improved Productivity and Innovation: Participants will be able to harness their strengths and collaborate more effectively with others to achieve shared objectives.

The Art of Team Talk: Communication Skills for High-Performing Teams

This workshop aims to enhance clear communication, facilitate constructive feedback exchange, and ultimately strengthen team cohesion. These outcomes will empower the team to overcome communication barriers, build stronger working relationships, and achieve greater success in their collaborative endeavors.


  • Enhanced Clarity: Participants will practice structuring their messages in a way that conveys information more effectively, avoiding ambiguity. This heightened clarity will foster smoother exchanges of ideas and minimize the risk of miscommunication.
  • Constructive Feedback Exchange: Participants will discover techniques for delivering feedback in a manner that is supportive, respectful, and actionable. Additionally, team members will be encouraged to be open to receiving feedback, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the team.
  • Strengthened Team Cohesion: By developing effective communication skills, participants will foster a sense of unity within the team. They will learn to acknowledge diverse viewpoints and collaborate more cohesively towards common goals. This improved team cohesion will lead to increased productivity and a positive work environment.

Navigating the Tough Talk: Mastering the Art of Difficult Conversations

Wouldn’t it be great to have the skills to navigate challenging discussions effectively. You know, the ones about addressing someone’s behaviour or work performance. Imagine seeing these times as valuable (I didn’t say easy), opportunities for growth. Feel more confident in approaching difficult conversations and turn them into a positive dialogue that achieves the outcome you want.


  • Improved Communication: Develop active listening and assertiveness to express thoughts and emotions clearly.
  • Conflict Management: Learn strategies to address conflicts constructively and transform them into opportunities for growth.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Cultivate empathy and self-awareness to manage emotions during challenging discussions.
  • Confidence and Empowerment: Feel more confident in approaching difficult conversations and achieving positive outcomes.

Elevate Your Presentation Skills

This workshop is designed to empower you with essential skills to captivate your audience and convey your message effectively. You will leave with practical tools and a newfound ability to excel in your presentations. Whether you’re a novice presenter or seeking to take your skills to the next level, this workshop will equip you with the confidence and expertise needed to excel in any presentation scenario.


  • Preparing: From nothing to a well constructed presentation that grabs your audience’s attention, conveys your message clearly, and leaves a lasting impression.
  • Engaging Delivery: Develop your delivery skills to connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Audience Engagement: Explore techniques to keep your audience engaged and attentive, ensuring your message is heard and understood.
  • Confidence and Influence: Gain the confidence to stand before any audience and make a significant impact, whether you’re informing, persuading, or inspiring.

Your Custom Workshop, Uniquely Designed

Are you searching for a workshop that goes beyond the ordinary and caters to your specific needs? After I have listened to identify your team needs, I will custom-design a workshop, crafted exclusively for you and your team.


Contact me to discuss your unique workshop needs. An interactive learning journey, ensuring maximum engagement and focussing on your desired outcomes.

Workshops Using the Birkman Assessment

How It Works:


You tell me the needs of your team, the desired outcomes, and number of participants. I will then tailor a workshop to align with your outcomes, providing all the necessary materials to ensure a productive and efficient experience.


The workshop will include a variety of styles of facilitating to fit your team’s personality and ensure they stay engaged so the time is highly productive.


We will connect to debrief the time and answer questions. Where applicable, determine next steps together.

Why Birkman:

Sample of  Topics:

with Birkman Individual Assessments Completed

Navigating Team Dynamics with Birkman Insights

Improving teamwork and collaboration through personality awareness.


Team Role Clarity

The workshop helps team members understand their natural roles and contributions within the team, aligning responsibilities with individual strengths and preferences.

Increased Team Cohesion

As team members gain a deeper understanding of each other’s personalities and motivations, they can develop a stronger sense of trust and cohesion within the team.

Increased Empathy

Participants develop greater empathy for their teammates as they learn about each other’s motivations, needs, and stress triggers.

Elevate Team Communication: The Team Communication Excellerator

Drive team cohesion and effective communication with the Birkman Method Insights.


Enhanced Team Communication

Participants gain a better understanding of their own and their teammates’ communication styles, helping them recognize how different team members prefer to give and receive information.

Adaptive Communication

Team members learn how to adapt their communication approaches to accommodate the diverse preferences and styles of their colleagues. This flexibility promotes better information sharing and collaboration.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Teams leverage their newfound understanding of each other’s communication styles to make more inclusive and well-informed decisions. This can lead to better outcomes and buy-in from all team members.

Healthier Me, Healthier We

Discover how the Birkman Method empowers teams to manage stress, strengthen bonds, and thrive in the face of challenges.


Team Stress Dynamics

Participants explore how stress impacts team dynamics. Team members learn to recognize signs of stress in themselves and others, promoting a more supportive and empathetic team environment.

Enhanced Communication During Stress

Participants will learn to adapt their communication styles to minimize stress-related conflicts.

Identifying Energy Levels

Participants will learn to recognize their energy levels throughout the day and align tasks accordingly.