MEET YOUR Workshop Facilitator, COACH & Consultant

Neal Black

Years of training leaders online

Years of Coaching Experience

Years of Developing Leaders

Speakers trained

People should enjoy their work

I want to see people engaging more, enjoying more, and producing more. As their potential is unlocked and people start living true to who they are, they begin to bring their best selves to the table everyday.

When I stepped into being a team developer I saw a lot of people dreading Mondays. It started Sunday afternoon. Wrecked a lot of weekends. I discovered that 75-80% of employees in Canada were disengaged at work. This sent me on a search to find how I could get involved in shifting this trend for small businesses. I researched, read, listened, and took courses to see if I could help change how people viewed what they do, how they do it, and where they do it.

I found that one of the most effective ways to encourage teams to grow and work better together is through workshops (the non-boring, non-lecture, hands-on type). Building team alignment, increasing self-awareness, and facilitating team collaboration, creates a positive environment for people to do their best work.  

When people start living true to who they are, start enjoying work, start contributing more of their strengths, start to see their value and fit in an organization, they engage more, enjoy more, and produce more. Inauthentic, unengaged  people tend to be miserable. I started seeing changes as I helped people to increase their self-awareness and apply their strengths. Sometimes this included tweaking their job description or finding a new area to contribute to. Ultimately though, self-awareness and growth in the workplace led to them living happier lives. 

I’m an experienced Workshop Facilitator, Certified ICF Leadership Coach, a Certified Birkman Consultant and a CRG Certified Practitioner, and I’m here to help you develop your team so they engage more, enjoy more, and produce more.


Core Values

We love working with people who want to learn, change and grow.

We also love to learn, change and grow. Rethinking is part of our growth.

We stay curious and ask thought-provoking questions.

We find it is often better to ask more and tell less.

We create a safe place for open dialogue.

We stay present so people feel seen. People know we’re for them and have their back.

We draw out the artist in people.

Uncover and grow giftedness, helping people live true to who they are created to be.

We love quality and never stop improving.

We care deeply about the value offered. We use proven effective methods (not the cheapest).

We love to have fun like Snoopy!

Enjoy life, live it to the full and laugh often.
